Monday, February 20, 2012


In the article the author, Henry Blodget explains why gas prices are continually rising. Which is because of the oil prices, that won't stop rising. So, for every barrel of oil that is $100+. Which for the gas companies and oil companies to make a profit that means that us, "The Consumer" has to pay almost $4.00+ a gallon. But when the economy crashed, everyone forgot about all the problems because the prices tanked. But now the prices are back on the rise, and eventually its going to come to a point where everything crashes because no one can afford it.
In my opinion Henry is absolutely correct, the government tries to blame speculators, and anything else they can. But the real problem is that we are paying too much for oil, which in turn is absolutely killing the American at the pump. Eventually we are all going to end up riding bikes around, because no one will be able to afford the $80 cost of gas, that only lasts two weeks.


  1. This is an interesting article. It would be terrible if we had to go back to riding bikes around just because the price of gas and oil increased that much. I think that electric cars would be are fall back before bikes though.

  2. I like your title, Vinny. Nice job on the summary and response. How about graphics or a video to spice things up?
