Sunday, January 29, 2012

RODNEY KING, RODNEY KING,28804,1614117_1614084_1614831,00.html

In the article The L.A. Riots: 15 years after Rodney King the author describes what happened during that April night in 1992.  How Rodney King did try to run away in a high speed chase, but as soon as he was stopped how viciously the police officers beat him down.  What he did was a crime, that is true. The cops said that he was "resisting arrest" and then continued to beat him down all while George Holliday was videotaping this horrible event.
I believe that yes Rodney did commit a crime and should not have ran from the cops, but if this would have been a white man, he would have been cuffed and taken down to the station. But because this was an African American male, he was taken out of his car and beat down by several cops with their batons. This just goes to show how much racism there was back then. I believe today we are not AS bad as were back then but there are still people who judge based off of skin color.


  1. This is really nice how you brought back something that happened a while ago into this blog. I always like to read about things that happened in the past and this was definitely a big story back in the day. It was actually only one year after I was born so it's hard to relate to but its interesting to read.
    --Taylor Carlson

  2. Thank you for talking about this incident. Unlike, Taylor, I remember the incident distinctly. Nowadays, with cell phones everywhere, people are capturing racist behavior.

    I disagree with you about it not being as bad today as in the past. If you Google racism in police departments, you get so many stories similar to the Rodney King incident. Check out this site: (Seattle Police Department Facing Charges of Racism)...article dated Dec. 30, 2011. There is a video with this.

    Your post has satisfied 4 of the Cs (clear, concise, complete, and correct), but you need to proofread your work for errors in grammar and mechanics. You have lots of fragments (especially in your summary paragraph).

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog post, these things are always terrible, but fascinating to read. It is hard to believe that things like this go on all around the world,but it isnt as big of an issue as it should be.
    -Jessica Lewis

  4. I love the title and the way you told the story. I hadn't heard that particular story but I now understand the situation. I wish that the you had continued the story so I knew what happened after the incident. Great post though.

  5. I cant believe that the cops would beat him to the ground only because of a chase and claim that it was a resistance to arrest. This is an interesting story and I agree that if he was white they would have just cuffed him.

  6. Another good topic and I learned some new information. I like your opinion and agree that it is not as bad and needs to be handled.

  7. Great topic, it certainly taught me something- which I think is important for any blogger's relationship with their readers. I like that you were able to give a well rounded response to the article, instead of just paraphrasing the article. My only criticism is to keep an eye on your grammer...
