Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sticks and stones can't break bones but can sure hurt

In this article there is a girl that is accused of setting up a fake Face Book page called "Stonewall Hoes". She put up nine pictures of other girls and put up rude captions underneath each picture.  This 16 year old girl is now under arrest and possibly facing up to a year in prison and up to a 2,500 dollar fine.  All of the parents are upset about this case and say it is absolutely ridiculous that this is happening.
In my opinion, I believe that Face Book has allowed way to many things to get on their site.  In the beginning it was a way to meet new friends and talk to old ones.  Now when you log on you never know what you may see.  One day it will be a huge fight wishing each other dead, and the next it will be a half naked girl right there for everyone to see.  I think that Face Book really needs to take a step back and really look at whats going on in their site.


  1. Mention the name of the article and author in the first sentence; otherwise, your readers will be confused about what you are talking about. Also, delete 'way' and change 'to' to 'too.'

  2. I really like the title and how you included a site.
