Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Not that Important

The video that I chose is a very deep message.  Who would want to see their kid's car all torn up and smashed to pieces?  The video is trying to really get the message across on how serious it is that if you text and drive you will die.  They do this by showing the daughters face, which is covered in blood and she isn't moving or blinking.  Also there is a stick coming through the shattered windshield.
I believe that the video is very persuasive.  It wants the viewer to really see that if you do text and drive you have the risk to end up like the girl in the video.  Another affect the video has on the viewer is that when you see the mother come running out you can tell that there is something wrong, but you really can't guess what it is, until the camera turns to the car and shows how bad of an accident her daughter got into due to texting and driving.

1 comment:

  1. Use the HTML code to embed your video and summarize it before you launch into your analysis.
