Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Crunching of the Pads

The fresh scent of cut grass, the smell of cold beer and hot dogs and thousands of people wearing their team’s jersey.  The whistle blows and the crowd yells like hyenas.  The ball is snapped, the quarterback steps back into the pocket he releases the ball nearly snipping off a line man’s head.  The wide receiver catches the ball turns his head and then before he could even blink his eye, he was hit harder than a runaway train. He laid there motionless wondering what had just happened.  He gets back and all he hears the crowd cheering, but he doesn't know if it’s for him getting up and the hit he received. That is why people watch football; they want to see the big hit or the big play.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Heaven in foil,

When I see a Hershey's kiss I'm like a fat kid in a candy store.  The silver foil looks like a bell right off of Santas sleigh, its a little gift straight from the elf's.  Nobody can have just one.  Once you taste the irresistible milk chocolate they keep calling you back for more, like a parole officer calling his convict.
~ Vinny M.