Monday, October 17, 2011

Slide Rocket rocks

I chose to use slide rocket because it reminded me of a power point with more options.  I know how to use power points well so I figured it couldn't be much harder.  I was wrong.  There wasnt enough help options and I couldn't find a button to make sure I saved it correctly.  Otherwise I thought that Slide Rocket was pretty fun. It allowed you to add music drag and drop different things and change all the layout colors.  Way better than a power point.  From now on I will use Slide Rocket instead of power points not only cause they're more exciting but a little bit easier to use. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Slam Dunk

  LeBron crosses back and forth while he stares at the shot clock. With seven seconds left on the clock he crosses Paul Pierce and blows by him faster than a track star. With four seconds left on the clock LeBron jumps from about four foot from the rim and throws the ball through the rim harder than a falling star.

       With LeBron you have a player that likes to get to the rim as his first option but with Carmelo its a total different type of player.  Carmelo likes to pull up for a jumper from any where on court. He has hit many game winners from behind the three point line where as LeBron dunks the ball for the game winner.

     Carmelo and LeBron are very similar off the court also.  They both like to do a lot of charity work for the fans. They both play in charity games and donate money to many foundations. But they are both very different people at the same time. Carmelo doesn't really like to be in the spotlight like LeBron does.

      Ultimately, LeBron and Carmelo are similar off the court, but on the court their styles of play are way different.  LeBron likes to go 100 miles an hour and dunk on anything in his way. While Carmelo likes to pull up in the defenses face.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Inspiration for all

The following is a comparison-contrast of two Michael Jordan commercials.  In the first commercial they are showing him walk into the gym and, in the background he is talking about how many times he has failed.  He tells you he has missed more than 9000 shots and lost almost 300 games, he has missed more than 26 game winners.  But he knows that his stats and he knows that he doesn't want that to ever happen again so that's why he works so hard. In the second commercial, its a very similar commerical saying how people think that the game was so easy for him, but how hard he actually had to work to become the success he was.  He says that without the hard work you will never succeed.  He means that everyone thinks that his talent was all natural and that nobody could ever come close to do what he did, but he then says that "maybe you're just making excuses."  The two commercials are similar in saying to work hard or you wont succeed, but in the first he tells us how many times he has failed while in the second he tells you hard he has worked to become that successful.